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Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.
Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.
Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.
Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.

Julegaveæske "Luxury"

489,00 zł
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Juleluksus Krystalgaveæske

"The Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box" er en tidløs samling af elegante og meningsfulde skatte, perfekt til at sprede varme og glæde i denne juletid. Designet til at inspirere og fascinere, udgør dette sæt en uforglemmelig gave til kære eller en værdsat tilføjelse til din egen samling.

Hvad er indeni:

  1. Sort Shungitpyramide
    En slank og iøjnefaldende pyramide, shungit er kendt for sin unikke skønhed og elegance. Dette stykke tilføjer en moderne, men alligevel naturlig æstetik til ethvert rum, hvilket gør det til en alsidig og betænksom gave.

  2. Pyrit
    Ofte kaldet "Narreguld," er pyrit en strålende gylden krystal, der symboliserer velstand og charme. Dens naturlige metalliske glans gør den til et iøjnefaldende element i enhver udstilling.

  3. Citrin
    En levende gul ædelsten, citrin, er kendt for sit varme og solrige udseende. Dens strålende energi bringer et muntert og opløftende præg, perfekt til den festlige sæson.

  4. Sort Onyx Armbånd
    Et fantastisk armbånd lavet af polerede sorte onyxperler, der kombinerer tidløs sofistikering med moderne stil. Dets slanke design gør det til et alsidigt tilbehør til ethvert outfit.

Smukt præsenteret og omhyggeligt kurateret, er Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box en meningsfuld måde at fejre sæsonen med stil og elegance.

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