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Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing dark crystal clusters, valued in jewelry and healing practices for grounding and vitality.
Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing dark crystal clusters, valued in jewelry and healing practices for grounding and vitality.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/UozWMABpuUvaUTQ34A5Gj4/6296196/360/iframe
Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing dark crystal clusters, valued in jewelry and healing practices for grounding and vitality.
Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing dark crystal clusters, valued in jewelry and healing practices for grounding and vitality.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/UozWMABpuUvaUTQ34A5Gj4/6296196/360/iframe


Emotional Healing and Renewal
Varenummer: 60370
152,70 zł
Inkluderet moms.
Vægt: 140 g
Sphalerit, takket være dets unikke egenskaber og brede farvespektrum, værdsættes både i smykker og i spirituelle og helbredende praksisser. Dets evne til at forankre energi og støtte vitalitet gør det til et kraftfuldt redskab i arbejdet med krop, sind og ånd.

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Stjernetegn: Aries, Scorpio

Planet: MarsPluto

Holistisk medicin er ikke en erstatning for konventionel behandling. Sten fra vores butik bør bruges som et holistisk supplement til konventionel terapi, ikke som en erstatning for det.
Supports the immune system, improves skin health and supports regenerative processes in the body, also helps in regulation hormones and metabolism

Sindstøtte: The stone has a strong grounding and protective energy, enhances vitality, balances energy

Mohs: 4

Vægt: 140 g

Farve: Gray

Oprindelse: Madan, Bulgaria