Прескочи към основното съдържание

Dragon Stone

Loyalty and Devotion
600,70 zł
С включен данък.
Тегло: 770 g
Dragon Stone, also known as Dragon Blood Jasper or Dragon’s Blood Stone, is a powerful and unique gemstone that combines rich green and deep red hues. It is named for its striking appearance, which resembles the scales and blood of a mythical dragon. This stone is highly valued for its energy, which is believed to combine the strength of a dragon with the nurturing energies of the Earth. Dragon Stone is used to enhance courage, vitality and personal strength, making it a powerful ally for those facing challenges or seeking to harness their inner power.

Чакра: Heart, Root

Зодиак: Aries, Leo, Scorpio

Планета: Mars

Холистичната медицина не е заместител на конвенционалното лечение. Камъните от нашия магазин трябва да се използват като холистично допълнение към конвенционалната терапия, а не като заместител на нея.
Поддръжка на тялото:
Helps support physical healing, particularly in strengthening the immune system and promoting overall health and vitality. It is also thought to aid in detoxification and improve circulation.

Подкрепа за ума: A stone of courage and strength, vitality and endurance, grounding and balance

Мос: 6-7

Тегло: 770 g

Цвят: Orange, Brown, Green

Произход: Madagascar