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Galena mineral stone known for transformation, protection, and grounding, used in spiritual practices; caution due to lead content.
Galena mineral stone known for transformation, protection, and grounding, used in spiritual practices; caution due to lead content.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/XpAfzZusdRNkD33wBfz958/6296171/360/iframe
Galena mineral stone known for transformation, protection, and grounding, used in spiritual practices; caution due to lead content.
Galena mineral stone known for transformation, protection, and grounding, used in spiritual practices; caution due to lead content.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/XpAfzZusdRNkD33wBfz958/6296171/360/iframe


SKU: 60295
152,70 zł
Včetně daně.
Váha: 300 g

Váha: 300 g

Barva: Silver�

Původ: Madan, Bulgaria

Možnost vyzvednutí na Warsaw Showroom

Obvykle připraveno za 2–4 dny

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