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Museum quality Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite mineral specimen featuring vibrant colors and unique crystalline formations.
Museum quality Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite mineral specimen featuring vibrant colors and unique crystalline formations.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/qiqRJpRZkzxdEuxBB7hAJf/6296230/360/iframe
Museum quality Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite mineral specimen featuring vibrant colors and unique crystalline formations.
Museum quality Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite mineral specimen featuring vibrant colors and unique crystalline formations.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/qiqRJpRZkzxdEuxBB7hAJf/6296230/360/iframe

Galena muzejní kvality s chalkopyritem, sfaleritem

SKU: 57974
2.200,00 zł
Včetně daně.
Váha: 1.48 kg

Váha: 1.48 kg

Barva: Gold, Silver

Původ: Borieva Mine, Bulgaria

Možnost vyzvednutí na Warsaw Showroom

Obvykle připraveno za 2–4 dny

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