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Galena with quartz and sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing unique properties and colors for jewelry and healing.
Galena with quartz and sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing unique properties and colors for jewelry and healing.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/XLrdiAUuXeN42oEWPwxze9/6295484/360/iframe
Galena with quartz and sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing unique properties and colors for jewelry and healing.
Galena with quartz and sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing unique properties and colors for jewelry and healing.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/XLrdiAUuXeN42oEWPwxze9/6295484/360/iframe

Galena s křemenem a sfaleritem

SKU: 57288
1.760,00 zł
Včetně daně.
Váha: 3.32 kg

Váha: 3.32 kg

Barva: Silver, Gray, Gold

Původ: Borieva Mine, Bulgaria