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Cave Calcite Stalactite Cluster with intricate crystalline structure, ideal for spiritual growth and clarity.
Cave Calcite Stalactite Cluster with intricate crystalline structure, ideal for spiritual growth and clarity.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/76gNb37Pjx4GKj7mu5MkgX/6364718/360/iframe
Cave Calcite Stalactite Cluster with intricate crystalline structure, ideal for spiritual growth and clarity.
Cave Calcite Stalactite Cluster with intricate crystalline structure, ideal for spiritual growth and clarity.
orbitvu|type:ORBITVU 360|https://orbitvu.co/share/76gNb37Pjx4GKj7mu5MkgX/6364718/360/iframe

Kalkspat-stalaktittklynge fra hule

Love and Empathy
SKU: 525817
953,00 zł
Inkludert skatt.
Vekt: 410 g

Inviter den sjeldne, strålende Ighoud Calcite Druze inn i livet ditt som et fartøy for jordens eldgamle visdom. Dens intrikate krystallinske form forsterker intensjoner, klargjør tanker og fremmer en dyp forbindelse til universet, noe som gjør den ideell for å veilede åndelig vekst, manifestere drømmer og belyse din vei til indre sannhet.

Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Zodiaken: Cancer, Leo, Pisces

Helhetlig medisin er ikke en erstatning for konvensjonell behandling. Steiner fra vår butikk bør brukes som et helhetlig supplement til konvensjonell terapi, ikke som en erstatning for den.
Supports the skeletal system, strengthens bones and teeth. helps also in regulating metabolism and supports the immune system, improves concentration, supports analytical skills and creative thinking

Tankestøtte: It is a stone with strong healing and cleansing energy. It helps in removing energy blockages, improves energy flow and supports spiritual development.

Mohs: 3

Vekt: 410 g

Farge: Pomarańczowy

Opprinnelse: Midelt, Morocco