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Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.
Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.
Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.
Luxury Christmas gift box with pyrite crystal and elegant beads on straw bedding.
Black Shungite Pyramid in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on straw bedding
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with gemstones and jewelry on a straw bed
Elegant stone bead bracelets in Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box on decorative straw setting.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, bracelets, and crystals on natural wood background for holiday gifting
Christmas luxury crystal gift box with black beaded jewelry and black Shungite pyramid on straw bedding.
Luxury Christmas gift box with crystals and treasures displayed on delicate straw packaging
Luxury Christmas gift box with elegant beaded bracelets, perfect for holiday warmth and joy.
Luxury Christmas gift box with black Shungite pyramid, crystal treasures, and elegant bracelets on rustic wood background.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with black shungite pyramid, elegant package on rustic background, perfect holiday gift.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with elegant treasures on a rustic background, perfect for holiday gifting and decoration.
Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box with Black Shungite Pyramid and elegant treasures in white packaging.

Cutie Cadou de Crăciun „Luxury”

489,00 zł
Taxe incluse.
Greutate: 0 g

Cutie Cadou de Lux cu Cristale de Crăciun

Cutia Cadou de Lux cu Cristale de Crăciun este o colecție atemporală de comori elegante și pline de semnificație, perfectă pentru a răspândi căldură și bucurie în acest sezon de sărbători. Proiectat pentru a inspira și captiva, acest set constituie un cadou de neuitat pentru cei dragi sau o adăugare prețioasă la propria colecție.

Ce conține:

  1. Piramidă din Shungit Negru
    O piramidă elegantă și impresionantă, shungitul este renumit pentru frumusețea și eleganța sa unică. Această piesă adaugă un aspect modern, dar natural, oricărui spațiu, făcând-o un cadou versatil și atent.

  2. Pirită
    Adesea numit „aurul proștilor”, pirita este un cristal auriu strălucitor care simbolizează prosperitatea și farmecul. Strălucirea sa metalică naturală îl face o piesă remarcabilă în orice expoziție.

  3. Citrin
    Un cristal galben vibrant, citrinul este celebrat pentru aspectul său cald și însorit. Energia sa radiantă aduce o notă veselă și înălțătoare, perfectă pentru sezonul festiv.

  4. Brățară din Onix Negru
    O brățară uimitoare realizată din mărgele de onix negru lustruit, combinând sofisticarea atemporală cu stilul modern. Designul său elegant o face un accesoriu versatil pentru orice ținută.

Prezentat frumos și atent selectat, Christmas Luxury Crystal Gift Box este o modalitate semnificativă de a sărbători sezonul cu stil și eleganță.

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