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Agat dendritic

Family Harmony and Stability
452,50 zł
Tax included.
Weight: 580 g
Agatul dendritic, cunoscut și sub denumirea de „Agat arbore”, este o varietate de calcedonie, caracterizată prin incluziuni asemănătoare copacilor sau ferigilor, care seamănă cu peisaje naturale. Aceste incluziuni sunt formate din depozite de mangan sau oxid de fier, creând modele unice care conferă fiecărei pietre un aspect distinct. Adesea asociat cu creșterea, abundența și conexiunea profundă cu natura, Agatul dendritic este o piatră puternică de împământare care favorizează stabilitatea interioară și un sentiment de pace.

Chakra: Heart, Root

Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn

Planet: Earth

Holistic medicine is not a substitute for conventional treatment. Stones from our Store should be used as a holistic complement to conventional therapy, not as a substitute for it
Body support:
Is known as a “fertility stone” and can be used to help those who are struggling with fertility issues. Associated with the Earth element, making it a great stone to use during pregnancy and childbirth. It can help to keep the mother grounded and connected to the earth, while also providing protection for both mother and child.

Mind support: A stone of abundance and plenitude, inner growth and stability, connection with nature

Mohs: 6-7

Weight: 580 g

Color: Orange, Gray, White

Origin: Madagascar