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Kvarčni geod (400-600g)

Abundance and Clarity
65,00 zł
Tax included.
Weight: 670 g

Mlečni kremenovi geodi imajo robustno, zemeljsko zunanjo lupino, ki se odpre in razkrije bleščeče, motno bele kristale v notranjosti. Znani po svoji čistilni in ojačevalni energiji, ti geodi povečujejo mirnost in jasnost. Pomagajo pri čiščenju prostorov, uravnoteženju energije in spodbujanju notranje moči, zaradi česar so popolni za izboljšanje osredotočenosti in privabljanje pozitivnih vibracij.

Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac: Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo, Mars, Cancer, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini

Holistic medicine is not a substitute for conventional treatment. Stones from our Store should be used as a holistic complement to conventional therapy, not as a substitute for it
Body support:
Is known for its ability to provide mental and physical resilience, helping individuals overcome challenges and obstacles with determination. The stone supports personal transformation and growth, encouraging positive change and adaptability.

Mind support: A stone of resilience and transformative energy. It combines strength and stability with the ability to facilitate personal growth and positive change

Mohs: None

Weight: 670 g

Color: Mleczny

Origin: Midelt, Morocco