Preskoči na glavno vsebino
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with gemstones and wellness items in a decorative box for holiday peace and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring elegant healing stones placed on decorative straw for a unique holiday treasure.
Christmas crystal gift set with colorful crystals in an elegant box for holiday wellness and positivity
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with turquoise crystals, wellness treasures, and festive accents in a gift box for harmony and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set with teal crystals, bracelet, and decorative items in a box, set against a rustic wooden background.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring green crystals for wellness and harmony.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set featuring a black beaded bracelet and crystals for holiday harmony and positive energy.
Christmas crystal gift box with green and white crystals on straw bedding, perfect for holiday gifting and inspiring positivity.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with crystals and wellness treasures for harmony and positivity, featuring elegant packaging and a festive design.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with wellness treasures, featuring elegant design and festive elements on rustic background.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with gemstones and wellness items in a decorative box for holiday peace and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring elegant healing stones placed on decorative straw for a unique holiday treasure.
Christmas crystal gift set with colorful crystals in an elegant box for holiday wellness and positivity
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with turquoise crystals, wellness treasures, and festive accents in a gift box for harmony and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set with teal crystals, bracelet, and decorative items in a box, set against a rustic wooden background.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring green crystals for wellness and harmony.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set featuring a black beaded bracelet and crystals for holiday harmony and positive energy.
Christmas crystal gift box with green and white crystals on straw bedding, perfect for holiday gifting and inspiring positivity.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with crystals and wellness treasures for harmony and positivity, featuring elegant packaging and a festive design.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with wellness treasures, featuring elegant design and festive elements on rustic background.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with gemstones and wellness items in a decorative box for holiday peace and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring elegant healing stones placed on decorative straw for a unique holiday treasure.
Christmas crystal gift set with colorful crystals in an elegant box for holiday wellness and positivity
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with turquoise crystals, wellness treasures, and festive accents in a gift box for harmony and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set with teal crystals, bracelet, and decorative items in a box, set against a rustic wooden background.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring green crystals for wellness and harmony.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set featuring a black beaded bracelet and crystals for holiday harmony and positive energy.
Christmas crystal gift box with green and white crystals on straw bedding, perfect for holiday gifting and inspiring positivity.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with crystals and wellness treasures for harmony and positivity, featuring elegant packaging and a festive design.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with wellness treasures, featuring elegant design and festive elements on rustic background.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with gemstones and wellness items in a decorative box for holiday peace and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring elegant healing stones placed on decorative straw for a unique holiday treasure.
Christmas crystal gift set with colorful crystals in an elegant box for holiday wellness and positivity
Christmas Crystal Gift Set with turquoise crystals, wellness treasures, and festive accents in a gift box for harmony and positivity.
Christmas crystal gift set with teal crystals, bracelet, and decorative items in a box, set against a rustic wooden background.
Christmas crystal gift set featuring green crystals for wellness and harmony.
Christmas Crystal Gift Set featuring a black beaded bracelet and crystals for holiday harmony and positive energy.
Christmas crystal gift box with green and white crystals on straw bedding, perfect for holiday gifting and inspiring positivity.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with crystals and wellness treasures for harmony and positivity, featuring elegant packaging and a festive design.
Christmas Crystal Gift Box with wellness treasures, featuring elegant design and festive elements on rustic background.

Božična darilna škatla "Mir"

580,00 zł
Davek vključen.
Teža: 0 g

Božični kristalni darilni set – edinstven praznični zaklad

Naredite to praznično sezono resnično nepozabno z našim Božičnim kristalnim darilnim setom, skrbno izbrano zbirko kristalov in wellness zakladov, zasnovanih za navdihovanje harmonije, pozitivnosti in prazničnega veselja. Popoln kot premišljeno darilo za ljubljene ali posebno razvajanje zase, ta set združuje eleganco, energijo in namen za praznovanje čarobnosti sezone.

Kaj je notri:

  • Green Quartz Candle Holder: Osupljiv dekorativni kos, ki izžareva toplino in ravnovesje ter ustvarja mirno vzdušje v vsakem prostoru.
  • Selenitni sveženj palic: Orodje za čiščenje, ki odstranjuje negativno energijo in spodbuja mentalno jasnost, skrbno zavito za praznično sezono.
  • Držalo za kadilo iz zelenega ahata: Čudovit in funkcionalen kos, ki drži kadilo ter hkrati dodaja pridih elegance vašemu domu.
  • Fluorite: Vsestranski kristal, ki izboljšuje osredotočenost, intuicijo in pozitivno energijo, popoln za prakse čuječnosti.
  • Onyx Heart: Pomenljiv simbol moči in zaščite, oblikovan v čudovito srce za osebni pridih.
  • Shungitna zapestnica: Nosljiv kamen za prizemljitev in razstrupljanje, idealen za vsakodnevno uporabo za ohranjanje ravnovesja in zaščite.

Ključne značilnosti:

  • Premiumska kakovost: Ročno izbrani kristali in ročno izdelani predmeti, ki vsak posebej prikazujejo edinstveno naravno lepoto in izjemno obrtniško spretnost.
  • Praznična predstavitev: Pakirano v čudovito oblikovani, okolju prijazni praznični darilni škatli, pripravljeno za obdarovanje brez dodatnega zavijanja.
  • Celostno dobro počutje: Popolno za sprostitev, čuječnost in duhovno rast, ponuja smiselno darilo dobrega počutja in miru.
  • Vsestranski darilni privlak: Idealno za ljubitelje kristalov, duhovne iskalce ali kogarkoli, ki obožuje premišljeno in edinstveno dekoracijo.

Zakaj izbrati ta božični darilni set?

  • Popolna mešanica lepote, funkcionalnosti in duhovnosti.
  • Ponuja edinstveno in smiselno alternativo tradicionalnim prazničnim darilom.
  • Izboljšuje domačo dekoracijo, duhovne prakse in osebno dobro počutje.

Praznujte ta praznični čas s popolnim ravnovesjem elegance in energije. Ne glede na to, ali je za vas ali za nekoga posebnega, je Christmas Crystal Gift Set zasnovan tako, da prinaša veselje, harmonijo in lepoto vašim praznovanjem in še naprej.

Naročite zdaj in naredite ta božič nepozaben!

Teža: 0 g