Preskoči na glavno vsebino
Crystal geode with sparkling white and beige tones, displayed on natural straw bedding for a rustic and elegant presentation.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals with selenite angel, green fluorite, and agate jewelry box on display.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals, selenite angel, and agate jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals on rustic wood background.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with selenite angel, green fluorite, orange selenite, and agate jewelry box amidst holiday decor.
Close-up of crystals in the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals, featuring a variety of natural stones.
Close-up of decorative crystal geodes in a gift box with straw packaging, showcasing natural beauty and elegance.
Close-up of crystals and geodes in a box from the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals.
"Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals and jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals, set on a rustic wooden background"
Crystal geode with sparkling white and beige tones, displayed on natural straw bedding for a rustic and elegant presentation.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals with selenite angel, green fluorite, and agate jewelry box on display.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals, selenite angel, and agate jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals on rustic wood background.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with selenite angel, green fluorite, orange selenite, and agate jewelry box amidst holiday decor.
Close-up of crystals in the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals, featuring a variety of natural stones.
Close-up of decorative crystal geodes in a gift box with straw packaging, showcasing natural beauty and elegance.
Close-up of crystals and geodes in a box from the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals.
"Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals and jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals, set on a rustic wooden background"
Crystal geode with sparkling white and beige tones, displayed on natural straw bedding for a rustic and elegant presentation.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals with selenite angel, green fluorite, and agate jewelry box on display.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals, selenite angel, and agate jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals on rustic wood background.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with selenite angel, green fluorite, orange selenite, and agate jewelry box amidst holiday decor.
Close-up of crystals in the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals, featuring a variety of natural stones.
Close-up of decorative crystal geodes in a gift box with straw packaging, showcasing natural beauty and elegance.
Close-up of crystals and geodes in a box from the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals.
"Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals and jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals, set on a rustic wooden background"
Crystal geode with sparkling white and beige tones, displayed on natural straw bedding for a rustic and elegant presentation.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals with selenite angel, green fluorite, and agate jewelry box on display.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals, selenite angel, and agate jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals on rustic wood background.
Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with selenite angel, green fluorite, orange selenite, and agate jewelry box amidst holiday decor.
Close-up of crystals in the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals, featuring a variety of natural stones.
Close-up of decorative crystal geodes in a gift box with straw packaging, showcasing natural beauty and elegance.
Close-up of crystals and geodes in a box from the Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box by Sylvia Crystals.
"Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box with crystals and jewelry box by Sylvia Crystals, set on a rustic wooden background"

Božična darilna škatla Angelic Elegance

870,00 zł
Davek vključen.
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Božična darilna škatla Angelic Elegance by Sylvia Crystals

Nebesna zbirka lepote in energije – s selenitnim angelom, zelenim fluoritom, oranžnim selenitom in agatno škatlico za nakit

Praznujte čarobnost praznične sezone z Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box podjetja Sylvia Crystals. Ta razkošna zbirka združuje božansko energijo skrbno izbranih kristalov in brezčasno lepoto škatlice za nakit iz ahata. Popolna za obdarovanje ali osebno nego, ta škatla navdihuje mir, pozitivnost in eleganco.

Kaj je vključeno v božično darilno škatlo Angelic Elegance

Selenitni angel: Simbol božanske zaščite in čistosti, ta ročno izklesan angel oddaja pomirjujočo in dvigajočo energijo ter ustvarja občutek miru in duhovne povezanosti.

Zeleni fluorit: Znana kot "Kamen genija", zeleni fluorit podpira jasnost, osredotočenost in čustveno ravnovesje ter spodbuja globljo povezavo z željami vašega srca.

Oranžni selenit: Ta živahen kamen prinaša toplino in ustvarjalnost, spodbuja pozitivno energijo in čustveno zdravljenje ter ojačuje energijo okoliških kristalov.

Škatla za nakit iz ahata: Osupljiv in funkcionalen kos, škatla za nakit iz ahata združuje naravno lepoto s praktičnostjo, popolna za shranjevanje spominkov ali izboljšanje vaše dekoracije.

Zakaj izbrati božično darilno škatlo Angelic Elegance

Ta premišljeno izbrana darilna škatla je zasnovana tako, da združuje eleganco s smislom, saj ponuja orodja za duhovno rast in estetski privlak. Vsak kristal je etično pridobljen in ročno izbran zaradi svojih edinstvenih lastnosti in lepote. Škatlica za nakit iz ahata dodaja razkošen pridih, ki združuje funkcionalnost z umetnostjo. Čudovito pakirana je pripravljena za obdarovanje in popolna za praznično sezono.

Prednosti božične darilne škatle Angelic Elegance

Selenitni angel spodbuja zaščito in duhovni mir, medtem ko zeleni fluorit izboljšuje osredotočenost in čustveno ravnovesje. Oranžni selenit prinaša toplino in pozitivno energijo ter dopolnjuje pomirjujoče in prizemljene lastnosti agatne škatlice za nakit. Skupaj ustvarjajo harmonično zbirko, ki navdihuje mir, jasnost in veselje.

Obljuba Sylvia Crystals

Sylvia Crystals je predana zagotavljanju visokokakovostnih, etično pridobljenih kristalov in orodij, ki navdihujejo in dvigujejo. Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box odraža našo zavezanost k obrtniški spretnosti, avtentičnosti in smiselnemu obdarovanju.

Podarite darilo angelske elegance

Širite ljubezen, lepoto in pozitivnost v tej praznični sezoni z Angelic Elegance Christmas Gift Box podjetja Sylvia Crystals. Popolno za vsakogar, ki išče mir, ravnovesje in navdih, ta razkošen komplet je premišljen način za praznovanje praznikov.

Naročite svoj Angelic Elegance božični darilni paket že danes in naredite to praznično sezono resnično posebno.

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