Preskoči na glavno vsebino
Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing its dark, reflective surfaces used in jewelry and spiritual practices for grounding energy.
Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing its dark, reflective surfaces used in jewelry and spiritual practices for grounding energy.
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Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing its dark, reflective surfaces used in jewelry and spiritual practices for grounding energy.
Sphalerite mineral specimen showcasing its dark, reflective surfaces used in jewelry and spiritual practices for grounding energy.
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Emotional Healing and Renewal
SKU: 61377
52,80 zł
Davek vključen.
Teža: 40 g
Sphalerit je zaradi svojih edinstvenih lastnosti in širokega spektra barv cenjen tako v nakitu kot tudi v duhovnih in zdravilnih praksah. Njegova sposobnost prizemljitve energije in podpore vitalnosti ga naredi za močno orodje pri delu s telesom, umom in duhom.

Čakra: Root, Sacral

Zodiak: Aries, Scorpio

Planet: MarsPluto

Holistična medicina ni nadomestilo za konvencionalno zdravljenje. Kamni iz naše trgovine naj se uporabljajo kot holistični dodatek k konvencionalni terapiji, ne kot njeno nadomestilo.
Podpora telesa:
Supports the immune system, improves skin health and supports regenerative processes in the body, also helps in regulation hormones and metabolism

Podpora uma: The stone has a strong grounding and protective energy, enhances vitality, balances energy

Mohs: 4

Teža: 40 g

Barva: Silver 

Izvor: Borieva Mine, Bulgaria