Preskoči na glavno vsebino


Emotional Healing and Renewal
88,00 zł
Davek vključen.
Teža: 200 g
Sphalerit je zaradi svojih edinstvenih lastnosti in širokega spektra barv cenjen tako v nakitu kot tudi v duhovnih in zdravilnih praksah. Njegova sposobnost prizemljitve energije in podpore vitalnosti ga naredi za močno orodje pri delu s telesom, umom in duhom.

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio

Planet: MarsPluto

Holistic medicine is not a substitute for conventional treatment. Stones from our Store should be used as a holistic complement to conventional therapy, not as a substitute for it
Body support:
Supports the immune system, improves skin health and supports regenerative processes in the body, also helps in regulation hormones and metabolism

Mind support: The stone has a strong grounding and protective energy, enhances vitality, balances energy

Mohs: 4

Weight: 200 g

Color: White, Gray

Origin: Madan, Bulgaria