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Phoenix Stones: The Gift of Transformation

Malachite Crystal for Transformation

Alchemy is the force by which change is possible, an early science of material exploration taking place long before the modern age. The great alchemical dream was to change lead into gold. But there is of course, another kind of change that is possible which, when we realize it, is also often inevitable. This is the change and transformation of a person.  

Long ago, in the time of the great stoic philosophers, a young alchemist called Kael, stood overlooking the ashes of his burned home. The fire had consumed everything, his shelter, his study and his sense of purpose.  

Kael sought help from the stoics, and a philosopher from the teachings of Epictetus told him; “it’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”  

Kael needed to come to terms with this new journey, to find meaning and not allow his circumstances to define him. Instead, he had to find himself renewed within the circumstances. As a symbol of this new journey, the philosopher gifted Kael with a very specific stone called The Pheonix Stone.  

Also known as the Compassion Stone, this gift, he was told, would ground him in the present and remind him to let go of the problems already past. The stone consisted of beautiful calming blue minerals like Chrysocolla, Malachite and Turquoise, and inspired in him a deeper strength.  

Kael’s journey would eventually lead him to a natural spring in a peaceful valley, where he set up his new home and workshop. Here, he would mix new elixirs from the valley waters and lakes and find himself in great company as a healer to those burdened by aliments and trauma.  

We cannot go back and change what happened. And standing in the remains is no way of getting clean. We must face problems, as Kael did, and confront a choice – do I stand in the ashes and remain beaten down? Or do I see that this is not a defeat, but a path?’ 

To paraphrase a rough translation of Marcus Aurelius, ‘the impediment to action advances action, what stands in the way becomes the way.” We can see life as an alchemical transformation, to become stronger and more defined.  

For all those seeking strength and emotional healing, we recommend the Phoenix Stone, as a gift to guide your next transformative moment. May it keep you present as you become who you are meant to be.